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Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts

Royal Arch Degree Team


The Grand Chapter Exemplification Degree Team maintains a superior level of quality in the Capitular Ritual and Floorwork. Each year the Team exemplifies all four Chapter Degrees under the direction of the Grand Lecturers at a  Special Grand Chapter Convocation, typically in December. Membership on the Team is at the invitation of the Grand Lecturers.

In preparation for the exemplification at Grand Chapter, the Team holds a series of rehearsals beginning in late October on successive Saturday mornings. Chapter officers are strongly encouraged to attend these rehearsals to see how the Ritual and Floorwork should be performed. Refer to Grand Chapter Calendar Page for details and the location of rehearsals.

The Team is available, subject to Team members' schedules, to confer the Capitular Degrees in local Chapters and welcomes invitations from Chapters. Furthermore, Team members may be available individually to assist Chapters in conferring degrees. Contact the Grand Secretary to inquire about individual Team member assistance, or see below for information on inviting the Team.

To invite the Team, send a letter to the R.E. Grand Secretary inviting the Team to confer a specific Degree on a specified date and location. The invitation should be received at least two months before the desired date to allow ample notification of Team members. Shorter timeframes can sometimes be accommodated. Don't let the two months deter you!

It is customary but not required that the Team be the guest of the Chapter if dinner is planned. Chapters are requested to donate to the William Foster Clark – Bob "Rudy" Homberg Memorial Fund for the Team's services.